Monday, July 20, 2009

Brigadier General Tolbert Speaks Against President Obama "Another Point of View"

TO: Letter to the Editor, Concerned Citizens, President Obama Home Page, and Internet

I wish local Brigadier General Tolbert (USAF Retired) that consistently criticizes President Obama in the Valdosta Daily Times would have spoken out against any Executive Commander-In-Chief before retiring.

A commissioned officers should not wait until they retire to exercise their constitutional rights to condemn a president publicly. They must understand that when truth comes into the minds of those who seek truth all falsehood must vanish and that falsehood is forever a vanishing thing.

Much like slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, denying blacks their rights to vote etc., eat at public lunch counters, use public bathrooms, attend church without having a white person present, denied the right to own land, and called three fifths of a human being simply for being born Black.

While history proved that those on the wrong side of history have vanished and are only footnotes on the pages of history. Our good general seem to be pumping himself up for some public office in the future by consistently criticizing our 44th President as no other president in the history of our nation.

All American presidents (43) have been White Men and Blacks always voted for White men without the criticism. Even though many of them promoted, and benefited from slavery, segregation, discrimination, fathered black children, labeled them as three fifths of a human being, never supported or acknowledged the Black children they produced. But Blacks took care of these children without criticizing White Fathers in the press, and around the world.

There may be a lesson to be learned from this without citizens consistently condemning our 44th President. When he is accepted as a breath of fresh air around the world. Moreover, it seems that commissioned officers insignias no longer shine as bright as they once did, and it seems that America has a long, long ways to go before becoming what she proclaims in foreign countries. We can do better.

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity